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Visit to Blarney Castle

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Members are welcome to join us for the full day or part of the day on our visit to Blarney Castle. Meeting at 2pm, we will be touring the grounds and stopping for a coffee along the way. There is a 2 course meal booked for 5.30pm. Meal costs €25 per person and must be booked and paid for in advance through the office on 0212427599. There will be traditional music in the bar from 9pm for anyone who would like to stay on.

  • This activity is open to all Cork Stroke Support members.
  • Pre-booking is essential as places are limited. Book your place by phoning 021 2427599, text 0873569555 or email admin@corkstrokesupport.ie
  • All group activities are subsidised by Cork Stroke Support. We are asking for a €3 donation from all participants to help us provide refreshments.
  • Please do not attend the centre if you have symptoms of Covid 19.


September 20, 2022
2:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Event Category:


Cork Stroke Support